Convert 404 Error Pages Into Opportunities – Curated News (10)

in Online Marketing
Convert 404 Error Pages Into Opportunities

We learn from errors and my approach towards the 404 error pages is to take full advantage of them and turn the 404 error pages into opportunities. Websites should have nicer customized and more useful 404 error pages which are not actual pages on a site, but results of a status code response on the server side. In this article I am talking about the 404 not found errors, not about the 404 soft errors.

Import hotmail, outlook contacts with Javascript using Windows Live Contact API

in Web Development


Import hotmail, outlook contacts using Windows Live Contact API

In this tutorial I will show you a practical example of web development: how to import hotmail, outlook, live contacts to your web project, using a client-side method (javascript).

The response data will come in javascript, but you can easily pass it to php with an ajax function.

Note: If you don’t have a account (oulook, hotmail, live), you can create it here :

Keynotes on Open Vis Conference, Grow Conf, Marketing Nation Summit, Converge SE, Lean UX, Generate Conf April (1)

in Online Marketing
OpenVis, GROWCO, MktgNation, ConvergeSE, Generate Conf Keynotes

Keynotes on the conferences that took place in the first part of April: Open Vis, Grow Conference, The Marketing Nation Summit, Converge SE, Lean UX , Generate 

My brain just lit up with ideas from these conferences as they treat different problems, small and large business experiences.

Web Design Guidelines and Rules

in Web Design

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Web Design Guidelines and Rules, Design19

Web design guidelines and rules still trending in 2015

Web design has quite a history now. The first web page was designed in 1989 and consisted of dark or black background with simple or colored text. Now things changed. We can’t even compare the quality and technology used to design and build them. As years passed, more complex and esthetically beautiful web sites came alive following simple, basic rules in web design.
