Websites to Download Free Royalty Stock Images

Did you know that on average, articles containing relevant images have 94% more views than articles without images? There is no doubt that images are becoming the ”universal language”.

Using images in content can give a boost and engagement to that page’s views

Stock images - websites list for downloading free images

So how important is adding images to your content?

It is a lot more important than you think, according to the picture superiority effect and to the power of visual communication in web design. A professional, modern looking website can very easily build trust and guide visitors to take action using relevant and beautiful images with less text. The human brain can remember better and longer visual things compared to text that gets forgotten with time.

Professional images capture authenticity. Images do not only show the visitors what you offer, products or services, but they also tell a story.

The more professional and compelling your site’s photos are, the more business you’ll conduct over time and will help you market to a much larger audience.

Searching for professional images is a real challenge for bloggers, web designers and online marketers.

How & where can you find professional images for your website?

You have three choices:

1. Buy stock imagery
2. Hire a photographer
3. Use royalty free stock photos

Websites to Download Free Royalty Stock Images

Posted by Design19 on Friday, April 24, 2015


It really depends on which kind of business you have. If you sell your products online then you
definitely need images showcasing your products. In this case, the best solution would be to hire a photographer to do the job. (In case you really need one you can check out this site. And here’s a smart example of details that can be added on your website (an ecommerce website) by your photographer or by you to help you increase sales.

If you choose the oldschool method, then you can buy stock imagery. The problem with stocks is that
they are used worldwide on the web and some of them are already overused and your goal with using them is to be unique.  You wouldn’t like (would you?) your customers to find the images you use on other websites as well. The price can vary from $5 per image to $120 per image (depending on the resolution and quality of each one)

I personally use royalty free stock photos. Yes, FREE and beautiful ones. Some of you may still be under the impression that free stock images involve poor quality in size, resolution and usability. Well…not anymore. The amount & quality of free images are very high and the best part is that more and more free high-quality images are added daily. This gives you a lot more freedom to choose and use them (you only need to know what and where to search for them) either for personal or commercial purposes.

Here are several links for websites that offer free stock imagery I use on daily basis and which I recommend you to use if you don’t have another alternative: Unsplash, Lock & Stock Photos, FREE for commercial use, Foodie’s FeedSnapographic, Free Refe Real Life, Free Stock Images & Videos, Gratisography, Magdeleine,  Jay Mantri, New Old Stock, Splashbase

Which websites to download free royalty stock images do you use and which are your favourite? It would be great if you let me know in the comments below.

Raul Rusu

Experienced in strategic project planning, Raul Rusu is the CEO of Design19 web agency. With great experience in public relations and skills in examining development processes, Raul has been working with passion for every project to turn it from plans to results.